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A look into my UX work at


My work at Edugence focuses mainly on redesigning their current website and making it more user friendly. Currently I work on the following parts of this process:

  • Wireframing

  • Prototyping

  • Redesigning based on user experience


The main problem/reason for wanting to change the website was that it was difficult for users to follow and lowered the experience users had. As such, our main goal was to make the site look and feel better. By doing this we hope to make users are more willing to explore and use the website. 

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When coming up with the layout of the website, I decided to go with a single long scrolling page for the main landing page. I chose to do this rather than having a short landing page with multiple links leading to the rest of the basic information. The reasoning behind this was because it added a better flow to the site and allowed for all the information about the company to be shown smoothly and seamlessly without the need to travel to multiple different pages. 

Frame 2 (2).png


While the product is still under development, the images seen to the right of this text show some rough designs and layouts I have created for it. I chose to follow a simple, complimentary red and green color palette to match the logo of the company as well as provide unity to the overall site. 

Frame 4.png

Post Analysis

While looking back on this project, there are several things I would have done differently if I could start over. The main one being the order in which I created the rough designs seen in the pictures above. Although I had followed the  standard practice of creating low fidelity prototype and wireframes before making the high fidelity ones, I realized I did not spend enough time mapping all of the interactions that could and would occur. As such, I found myself going back and forth between the different models and making changes more than I would have liked to. In the future I hope to avoid running in to the same problem by spending more time analyzing and mapping different interactions while the design is still in the low fidelity design phase. 

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